************************** Set up AVR programming **************************** Note that in the following "$" at the start of the line represents the command prompt that you see on the command line. You type what is to the right of that . 1) From your home directory execute the following to get a file from the course web page: $ wget "http://web.eece.maine.edu/eason/ece177/avr_starter_files.zip" ./ 2) Unzip the file you just downloaded $ unzip avr_starter_files.zip This creates an avr_starter_files/ directory with necessary avr files. 3) For testing your boards, cd to the avr_starter_files/ directory then type $ ./programhex ece177 to download .hex code to test the LCD and bar-LEDs $ ./programhex testkeypad to download .hex code to test the keypad This "programhex" script can be used any time you want to download a .hex file without first compiling. 4) To compile and program a program: We'll assume you create a new directory under your home directory for each lab (copying files from the previous lab to get you started). To begin with make sure your current week's lab directory includes the following files from the avr_starter_files directory that you created above: Makefile lcd.h liblcd.a 5) To compile your source code and then program the AVR with your resulting .hex file: $ make T= Note that the filename should not include the ".c" extension. For example $ make T=lab03a if your source code is in lab03a.c