The following programming instructions are a work in progress, so let us know if you have anything to add or modify. ######### To program a hex file from the Windows command line: If you have previously installed Atmel Studio, then uninstall the driver it installed. Device Manager -> Jungo -> ??mkII -> uninstall Download the AVR zip file (at the bottom of the "Assignments" page Extract the files to some directory of your choice. Plug your battery pack into your breadboard Plug in the USB (to your PC) Don't let Windows install the driver if it asks you to Run zadig.exe Change the driver to libusb-win32 (v1.2.6.0) Install the driver The driver should show up in the Device Manager under libusb-win32 devices as AVRISP mkII Open the file "command.txt" (one of those in the zip file) in a notepad Open a "Command Window" (Type "cmd" from the start menu) cd to the directory containing avrdude (directory your extracted files to) Execute the line in "command.txt" (easiest to cut and paste it). ######### Linux (Ubuntu) $ sudo apt-get install bison flex byacc libudev-dev compile and install libusb: download cd to directory $ ./configure $ make $ sudo make install ######### Linux (Fedora) $ sudo dnf install avrdude bison flex byacc systemd-devel libusb libusb-devel Download from course website Extract the zip to its own folder Download Copy the tar to the same folder to which you extracted $ tar xf avrdude-6.2.tar.gz $ cp endpointdetect_pass1.patch avrdude-6.2 $ cd avrdude-6.2 $ patch < endpointdetect_pass1.patch $ ./configure $ make $ sudo make install