Lab-Volt axis control Base 6500 steps/revolution + = CCW Shoulder 8600 steps/revolution + = up/back Elbow 8600 steps/revolution + = down M4 6500 steps/revolution (see note below) M5 6500 setps/revolution +M4 and -M5 will pitch the wrist down +M4 and +M5 will roll the wrist right (CCW from the robot's view) Dependencies: 1) Moving the shoulder automatically moves the elbow and wrist with respect to the previous links: if you move the shoulder X degrees down, then instruct the elbow to move X degrees down and instruct the wrist to move X degrees down. The elbow and wrist will then not move with respect to their previous links. E.g., the following will move the shoulder 45 degrees down and the other axes will remain "rigid" moverel(0,-1075, 1075, 812, -812); 2) Moving the elbow automatically moves the wrist with respect to the previous link: if you move the elbow X degrees down, then instruct the wrist to move X degrees down. The wrist will then not move with respect to the previous link. E.g., the following will move the elbow 45 degrees up and the wrist will remain "rigid" moverel(0, 0, -1075, -812, 812); The number of steps you tell an axis to move will be the sum of all the desired actions above. ************************ I found that an initial move of moverel(0,-910, -10, -200, 0); will place the robot which is connected to "einstein" (the robot on the right) in a position where the "upper arm" is vertical and the lower arm and wrist are horizontal. NOTES: Take care of the robots. Do not move the robots by hand. Use shutdown() at the end of your program. Turn off the robot when not in use.