ECE 471 LAB 6 FALL 2008 PURPOSE: Introduction to the PIC microcontroller. For this lab you will use the PIC microcontroller to count the presses of a button, and then blink an LED that number of times. When your program starts it will wait for a button press and release, followed by another press and release, etc. It will continue in this mode, counting the number of presses, until there are no presses for approximately one second. The program will then blink an LED a number of times equal to the number of presses which just occurred. After blinking the program will repeat the process, looping back and again waiting for button presses. For the button, you can simply touch two wires together. In any case, you must take care of "switch bounce". An easy way to do this is to only check the button every (e.g.) 20 ms. Blinking should be at a rate in which you can easily count blinks, but not so slow as to be boring. Your lab notebook should contain this lab sheet, a schematic of your circuit (including pin-out), a flowchart or pseudo code of your implementation, and a listing file. Also include anything else you think is important.