ECE 417 LAB 1 SPRING 2021 The purpose of this lab is to introduce you to the operation of the Lab-Volt 5150 educational robots. You will learn how to control the robot from programs written in either C++ or C. Exercise: Write a short program in either C++ or C which will cause the Lab-Volt robot to perform the following sequence of motions. 1) Initialize and zero the robot. 2) Rotate the base 30 degrees counter clockwise (when viewed from above), 3) then rotate the shoulder 20 degrees down (forward), 4) then rotate the elbow 15 degrees in (toward the base), 5) then roll the wrist 20 degrees clockwise (from robot's viewpoint). 6) then pitch the wrist 20 degrees up. 7) then delay 5 seconds using the sleep() command, 8) then close the gripper, 9) and finally return the robot to the home position and shut it down. See the sample code to get you started. Don't forget to turn on the robot before running. Have your program call shutdown() and run your program to completion. This program should be demonstrated to the lab assistant and your listing should be turned in. No flowchart is required. Note: if the robot crashes or if for some other reason the robot doesn't respond after running your program Then from the command prompt: minicom -o 9