Memory Trace Generation with Qemu

I've had a few people ask about my work generating memory traces with qemu.

If fully realized, this could be a great project. Qemu can simulate entire Operating Systems, something many simulators cannot do. Also, Qemu can simulate many different architectures, allowing one to potentially generate traces for hard-to-find hardware, such as Alpha and MIPS.

Unforutnately I only generated some proof-of-concept code that managed to generate a simple address/value/Load or Store trace using the i386-user target. This only shows data accesses; instruction accesses are a bit harder to get. Unfortunately I ran out of time to work on this project.

I am including the patch here mainly to be used as a starting point; the qemu code can be a bit tricky to navigate. There are no guarantees that it works, I never validated that the addresses generated were the proper ones.

If you make any progress in using qemu for architectural simulations, let me know. I think qemu is a great tool and there is great potential in using it in the future.

Memtrace patch, against qemu 0.8.0 - qemu-0.8.0-memtrace.patch
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