Reading RAPL energy measurements from Linux
Reading RAPL energy measurements from Linux
RAPL support
I also have a
list of processors and when Linux added support for their
power interfaces.
RAPL validation
I also have a
page describing my RAPL validation work.
RAPL on Linux
There was at one point *four* ways to read RAPL results on Linux:
- Reading the files under /sys/class/powercap/intel-rapl/intel-rapl:0
using the powercap interface.
This required no special permissions, and was introduced in
Linux 3.13.
Despite my pointing out lack of permissions was a problem at the
time of introduction, nothing
was done about this until Linux 5.10 where the security issue
was noticed (949dd0104c496fa7c14991a23c03c62e44637e71) and limitations
were added.
- Using the perf_event interface with Linux 3.14 or newer.
This requires root or a paranoid less than 1
(as do all system wide measurements with -a)
sudo perf stat -a -e "power/energy-cores/" /bin/ls
Available events can be found via perf list or under
- Using raw-access to the underlying MSRs under
/dev/msr. This requires root.
Some HPC tools will attempt to use this interface to bypass
the kernel, but the kernel developers want to make raw MSR
access go away as there are a lot of questionable things you
can do to a system with raw MSR access. There have been attempts
to make alternate drivers that whitelist the MSRs that can be used
but they are probably going away in the future too.
- An AMD RAPL driver without premissions checks was available
under the kernel hwmon interface, but it was removed
in Linux 5.13 (9049572fb) also due to security concerns.
Note that you cannot get readings for
individual processes, the results are for the entire CPU socket.
Userspace Access without perf
Here is some quick code to read the RAPL values without the perf tool.
It can read all three interfaces (syfs powercap, perf_event, or msr)
depending on the command line options.
You need to either run as root or have the
/dev/cpu/*/msr permissions set for msr access.
The sample program produces results like the following.
Power units = 0.125W
Energy units = 0.00001526J
Time units = 0.00097656s
Package thermal spec: 130.000W
Package minimum power: 51.000W
Package maximum power: 200.000W
Package maximum time window: 0.046s
Package energy before: 48460.887909J
PowerPlane0 (core) for core 0 energy before: 36127.280838J
DRAM energy before: 0.000000J
Sleeping 1 second
Package energy after: 48468.194504 (7.306595J consumed)
PowerPlane0 (core) for core 0 energy after: 36128.297287 (1.016449J consumed)
DRAM energy after: 0.000000 (0.000000J consumed)
Note: the energy measurements can overflow in 60s or so
so try to sample the counters more often than that.
Source code: rapl-read.c
Also available from:
PAPI can read the RAPL values in various ways.
We are working on consolidating them into one component rather
than having multiple confusing ways of gathering the info.
Trying all RAPL events
Found rapl component at cid 2
Starting measurements...
Doing a naive 1024x1024 MMM...
Matrix multiply sum: s=1016404871450364.375000
Stopping measurements, took 4.110s, gathering results...
Energy measurements:
PACKAGE_ENERGY:PACKAGE0 176.450363J (Average Power 42.9W)
PACKAGE_ENERGY:PACKAGE1 75.812454J (Average Power 18.4W)
DRAM_ENERGY:PACKAGE0 11.899246J (Average Power 2.9W)
DRAM_ENERGY:PACKAGE1 8.341141J (Average Power 2.0W)
PP0_ENERGY:PACKAGE0 118.029236J (Average Power 28.7W)
PP0_ENERGY:PACKAGE1 16.759064J (Average Power 4.1W)
Fixed values:
rapl_basic.c PASSED
This tool uses PAPI to poll a machine's RAPL energy usage and dump
the results to various files which can then be plotted.
Here is some sample results generated using the tool:

And here is the tool. To use it you'll need to modify the Makefile
to build against a recent version
of PAPI compiled with --with-components="rapl".
More details on the RAPL interface can be found in the Intel Dev manuals,
Volume 3.
For notes on possibly measuring these values on Windows see
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