ECE471 Required Hardware (Fall 2024)

For ECE471 there is no required textbook, but you will be required to have a Raspberry Pi computer with which to do your homework assignments.

The hope is you already have a Pi from previous classes or just because you are an ECE major.

Raspberry Pi naming has gotten complex over the years. Here is a summary.

Pi Boards good for ECE471

Pi Boards that could work but not recommended

Pi Boards that will *NOT* Work

The 4B models are a lot fancier/faster/have more RAM but we won't need that for class, and they have some features that make it harder to use [for example, they need micro-HDMI cables for video and a USB-C charger for power, unlike the earlier models].

Similarly the 5B models are more expensive and overkill for this class but they will probably work.

Required Hardware

To do the homework assignments you will need:

Optional Hardware

Optional things that can make development easier but aren't strictly necessary:

Finding a Pi

You can find Pis from various places online.

During 2022 and 2023 there was a worldwide Raspberry Pi shortage. This seems to have gotten completely better by now. However if you have trouble finding a Pi, this link might be helpful: Raspberry Pi Locator. Just be careful and make sure you get the proper model (see above), be careful ordering from unknown or overseas sites, and try not to pay more than $50 or so for one (there were people online selling them at huge markup due to the demand).

Other Parts We'll Use

Note you do *not* have to order these yourselves, this is for reference. I loan these parts out each year, but in 2020 due to remote learning I had this list available for those who couldn't make it to campus.
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