ECE574: Cluster Computing

University of Maine ECE

Spring 2025

Instructor: Vincent Weaver
The class meeting time is Tues/Thurs at 12:30pm-1:45pm.
The meeting place is Barrows 130.
Final exam: there is no final exam for this course.

Office hours:



Official Course Description

Advances in high-end computational technology continue to bring the digital revolution into academic, industrial and commercial areas. A popular approach for achieving high performance for these application domains is to use parallel computers. Introduces the primary parallel computer architectures, as well as the programming techniques applicable to concurrent, parallel and distributed computations. Students will gain experience in developing parallel computing solutions for challenging problems. Lec 3. (Offered once every two years - Spring.)

Class Schedule

Week 1 21 January
Intro to Cluster Computing
Lecture 1 Notes
23 January
Top500 List
Lecture 2 Notes
Week 2 28 January
Speedup/Scaling/Performance Measurement
Lecture 3 Notes
30 January
Clusters / Job Scheduling / SLURM
Lecture 4 Notes
Week 3 4 February
Computer Architecture Review / CPU Parallelism
Lecture 5 Notes
6 February
No Class (snowstorm)
Week 4 11 February
Lecture 6 Notes
13 February
No Class, (another snowstorm)
Week 5 18 February
Lecture 7 Notes
20 February
Lecture 8 Notes
Lecture 8 Code Samples
Week 6 25 February
Lecture 9 Notes
27 February
OpenMP Examples
Lecture 10 Notes
Lecture 10 Code Samples
Week 7 4 March
Lecture 11 Notes
6 March
First Midterm
Week 8 11 March
MPI Examples
13 March
MPI Wrapup
Week 9 18 March
Spring Break
20 March
Spring Break
Week 10 25 March
Fault Tolerance / Checkpointing
27 March
Accelerators / GPUs
Week 11 1 April
3 April
Power/Energy in Clusters
Week 12 8 April
Other Accels, OpenCL
10 April
Week 13 15 April
Virtualization, Cloud, Python
17 April
Big Data, Cluster Filesystems
Data Analysis, Hadoop, Spark
Week 14 22 April
Second Exam
24 April
The future of HPC, Next Stop: Zettascale
Week 15 29 April
Project Presentations
1 May
Project Presentations

Homework Assignments


Relevant Papers

Optional Reading

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Last updated 27 February 2025, 16:53