CMSIS-Pack  Version 1.6.0
Delivery Mechanism for Software Packs
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Revision History of CMSIS-Pack
Version Description
1.6.0 Modifications compared to Version 1.5.0
  • added Armv8.1-M MVE processor feature attribute 'Dmve'.
  • added local and global pre-include section Pre_Include_Local_h, Pre_Include_Global_h.
  • added file categories 'preIncludeLocal' and 'preIncludeGlobal' to the FileCategoryEnum.
  • added file attribute 'path' for file category 'header' to add support for relative include paths.
  • added to package element the possibility to restrict the usage of the with attributes Dcore, Dname, Dvendor, and Tcompiler.
  • added dominate element to overwrites identical devices, APIs, or components.
  • added attribute 'condition' to the api element so that an API can be excluded based on a condition.
  • added new Software Component Cclasses : "Audio", "Board Part", "Data Exchange", "Extension Board", "IoT Client", "IoT Utility", "Security", "Utility".
1.5.0 Modifications compared to Version 1.4.9
1.4.9 Modifications compared to Version 1.4.8
  • added Toptions attribute for use in conditions
  • updated documentation for generator section to reflect new exe, web, and eclipse sections
1.4.8 Modifications compared to Version 1.4.7
  • added support for semantic versioning quality information in ConditionVersionType
  • updated Pack schema file making some elements optional
  • added Pack Index File Specification and schema file
1.4.7 Modifications compared to Version 1.4.6
  • added multiple version types to tighten the schema checking depending on context
  • added new generator sections for exe, web and eclipse based generators in <generator>
  • added new processor attributes Dtz = Trustzone and Ddsp = DSP instructions for Armv8-M
  • added new attributes Dtz, Ddsp, Dsecure to conditions <require>, <deny>, <accept>
  • added new processors Cortex-M23 and Cortex-M33 and other in DcoreEnum
  • added new attribute public to books and images to indicate public use of documents and board images
1.4.6 Modifications compared to Version 1.4.5
  • refined Dname string pattern restriction (RestrictedStringDname)
1.4.5 Modifications compared to Version 1.4.4
  • added: Punits to ProcessorType
  • added: Punit to DebugType
1.4.4 Modifications compared to Version 1.4.3
  • added: attribute defaultResetSequence to DebugType.
  • added: <requirements> section:
    • <packages> defining dependencies between packs
    • <languages> defining required language support e.g. C99
    • <compiler> defining required toolchains
  • added: <create> section used for tool independent project description
    • attributes: name, documentation, condition
    • <target> specifies the board and device targeted by the project
    • <options>
    • <files> specifies the grouped files
  • updated: <algorith> element
    • added attributes: style, parameter and endian
  • updated: <memory> element
    • added attributes: name, access and alias
    • deprecating attribute: id (replaced by name + access)
1.4.3 Modifications compared to Version 1.4.1
  • Adding attribute "sdf" to debugconfig element within section <devices>
1.4.1 Modifications compared to Version 1.4.0
  • pName, Dname, Dvariant type changed from xs:string to RestrictedString
1.4.0 Modifications compared to Version 1.3.3:
  • device section memory specification redefined, deprecating id attribute
  • device section algorithm support multiple flash programming algorithm styles
  • device section debug adding CJTAG debug port type
1.3.3 Modifications compared to Version 1.3.1:
  • Schema Version remains unchanged, since no incompatible update
  • Added generator section can specify a target GPDSC file that it will generate
  • Added A component can be linked to a generator and the generator's GPDSC file will be automatically included in the project as part of the component.
  • Added A generator command is optionally extended by a separate description of arguments
  • Updated Vendor list
  • Updated Utility packChk.exe to Version
    • detect redefinitions of boards
    • check presence of board image files
    • check for duplicate device features
    • check for duplicate device definitions
    • check for
    • minor bug fixes
1.3.1 Modifications compared to Version 1.3:
  • Schema Version remains unchanged, since no incompatible update
  • Added Cortex-M7 to the predefined list of processors
  • Updated Vendor list
  • Added File version attribute to debugvars element of device description
  • Updated XML file header encoding tag set to capital "UTF8"
  • Deprecated init attribute of <memory> element in <devices> section deprecated
1.3 Modifications compared to Version 1.2:
  • Added attributes to release tag for managing deprecation and changing Pack IDs
  • Removed external RAMn and ROMn memory IDs in memory tag
  • Added FileCategoryTypes in <file> element for C, C++, Assembler, Linker
  • Extended specification of <require>, <accept> and <deny> with Cversion and Capiversion ranges
  • Added Utilities for Creating Packs and packChk.exe for Pack validation
  • Added documentation for the Example Pack based on LPC1800 Device Family
  • Refined <debug> element description
  • Many clarifications in the documentation along with examples
1.2 Clarifications for release.
1.1 - Preliminary Update release for review:
  • new Boards description
  • new Debug description
  • revised Device Feature capture
  • new Generator description
  • new Flash Algorithm Specification
  • new Configuration Wizard Annotation Specification
1.0 - Preliminary Preliminary release for review
0.10 Release for beta review