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STM32L476G-Discovery Support
ECE 486 Specific Material
Instructions for using the Discovery board with the ECE 486 interface.
- Sample sourcecode:
- ece486_example.c Sample source-code.
- Select ONE of the following makefiles to compile and flash the board:
- Makefile uses st-flash. (not always reliable, or not available if you couldn't compile the st-link utilities)
- Makefile uses the mbed USB disk image of the board. (Maybe more reliable? Avoids all st-link requirements. Still testing on various platforms. Let us know if it does not work.) Thanks Chris! You get 10,000 at-a-boy's, giving you a total of 10,001---Just remember, one "Ah Shit!" wipes the board clean and you start all over.
- Makefile For folks using the Windows Subsystem for Linux, this makefile executes commands through the windows powershell to detect the correct USB drive and flash the board from the makefile: "make flash" should work directly from the subsystem. (Kent Seneres gets huge credit for this!)
Software Library Documentation
- libece486 ECE 486 Sampling Library
- CMSIS: The "Cortex Microcontroller Software Interface Standard" from ARM provides a library of highly optimized DSP routines for Cortex-M4 (and other Cortex) processors.
- HAL Driver User Manual: ST provides the "Hardware Abstraction Layer" (HAL) Library for use with their processors and boards. The ECE486 sampling library is built around the HAL Library.
Software and Installation Instructions
- Instructions for installing an STM324xx cross-compiler and libraries on a Unix system.
Source Archive for STM32F4 Discovery Libraries and ECE 486 library
- 99-libusb.rules, 99-serial.rules (Install in /etc/udev/rules.d)
Digital Signal Processing
Spring 2022, MWF 12:00-12:50, Barrows 119