- Having trouble programming the board?
Open ST-link utility and click connect then erase chip. It might not fully complete, but after its stuck at the same position for a few minutes you can disconnect and close ST-Link utility and connect to see that the chip has been cleared.
- Having trouble flying the drone?
The controls are very sensitive and you need to be careful. We recommend you to tie the drone as shown in the following picture to practice the control in one direction.

- How long does it take to charge?
Normally from 85% to 100% charge would take about 3 hours.
- How do I charge the drone?
Plug the battery and USB cable in.
- Drone not flying or hovering correctly?
The drone board need to be facing up and flat with the frame. You can calabrate the board by pressing the up/down arrow button next to the arming button for 3 seconds, it should turn green and you will see the gyro values go to 0.